Tricks for controlling your social media content
Social media sites take impression and click-through revenue from articles generated by the hard work of their membership. Some sites can also copy and make use of any of your posts, including altering them, for whatever purpose that they want, including making all of the content private so neither you nor anyone else can access it. Here are my 3 top tips for keeping your IP for yourself and potentially making your own revenue:
- Only post a summary of your post on social media. Have a click through to your own site with your post/article in full on your own site.
- If you want to generate impression/click-through revenue, do this on your site.
- If you do upload substantive content, use sites that give back to the content creators and admins through RPM (revenue per thousand impressions) revenue, for example Youtube. Remember to sign up for this specifically or you get nothing – read the T&Cs too!